From Frozen Rolling boiling water Dump the perogies in the water When the float to the top - they are done They are not a cheemos product - will take about 2 -3 minutes THEN if you prefer them fried - fry them up in butter and onions
Cabbage Rolls
From Frozen Bake in your favorite sauce - or pick up ours! Our sauce (500ml) and then add 250ml water Cover. 350 degrees for about up to 2 hours depending on your oven
**Our Cabbage rolls are made with a SOUR Cabbage** They will be a little tangy If the cabbage is still tough or super sour after cooking - they haven't been cooked long enough. When they are "puffed up" they are ready Bake the dozen all together for more flavour then refreeze what you dont eat.
This is a smoked meat - good to defrost right on your counter and eat as is. Or fry it up in butter and eat like a hotdog
In a casserole dish layer your Nalysnyky rolls. Lightly season with salt and pepper each layer. Pour heated heavy cream until just to the top of the last layer. Cover and bake at 350 until puffy . Cream should start to lightly brown on the top. Serve immediately. Pull apart when cooled to store any left overs.
Chicken Pot Pie
Eggwash; 1 egg and two tablespoon heavy cream
Brush the frozen pie and bake on middle rack of your oven at 350 for about 50 min to one hour. The top should be a nice golden brown. You may add to the hole on top a tablespoon of heavy cream for extra creaminess.
Lazy Cabbage Rolls
Heat and serve about 3 minutes on high in a micro wave
From frozen about 1 hour in a 325 oven. Middle rack. Once heated you may want to broil to give a dark rich brownness. THIS BROIL PROCESS SHOULD BE WATCHED AS IT WILL BURN VERY QUICKLY